The communications ecosystem electrifies!

The locally operating energy company has put the development of customer service and communications in electronic channels at the center of its strategy.

Oy Porvoon Energia – Borgå Energi Ab

Porvoo Energia has always had the urge to stay one step ahead. Although Porvoo is by no means one of the largest cities in Finland, and Porvoon Energia not one of the largest energy companies in the country, the company is a pioneer in its field and has already met the environmental requirements of EU energy production for 2050, decades ahead.

The Porvoon Energia companies are divided into two: the parent company Porvoon Energia Oy is responsible for heat and electricity production, heat distribution, electricity sales and corporate administration. Porvoon Sähköverkko Oy is responsible for the development of the electricity network.


Bringing its business and client communications even more strongly to digital channels has been the client’s intention since the beginning of our cooperation. The company has several business development projects underway, and we at Little have been alongside the customer in the functional and content development of their website and in intensifying the use of their social media channels.


  • Functional development of the website
  • Integrations to several other systems
  • Service design
  • Content production
  • Social media content and marketing

Our solutions

A website that serves better and better

We built a bilingual content production platform where the technical features are easy to update and develop according to the client’s communication needs. For general content production and distribution, customized content types were created to make it easy to produce visually diverse content for both the general content pages and the topicals section. In addition, the site has instant messaging functions necessary in the everyday life of an electricity company: power failure notice tool can be activated when the situation so requires.Promoting and building electronic services is one of the important website development projects. The site has several integrations to various systems, including a platform where one can make an electricity contract online. Telia Sign integration was introduced to enable electronic signing of forms.

Content to various channels

The client’s goal is not only to communicate topical matters but also to inform and educate electricity users. Eco-values, tips and guidelines, project presentations, and everyday topics close to the many were brought to the fore as we began developing a content production plan and ideas. The client’s unique offering, active business development, bilingualism and locality provided inspiration and ensure that the topics are of interest to the client base.In addition to the initial conceptualization, we have assisted in planning and production of content to e-channels and print products as well as distribution thereof to the client’s social media channels.

Even more active utilization of social media

Social media today is an important part of online communications. Alongside regular corporate communications, the use of social media channels as marketing platforms has increased. The planning of campaign content, implementation of campaigns and reporting of their results have become part of the Porvoon Energia co-operation, as even wider utilization of social media channels is part of the client’s communication strategy.